Blue Team: Port Forwarding Detection!

Cyber Meisam [CM]
3 min readNov 16, 2020

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I have written about port forwarding for red teams previously! In contrast, this post covers the port forwarding detection for blue teams.

Note: This article covers the detection of client-based port forwarding, not router-based port forwarding.

Based on the MITRE Framework (Technique T1572), we can look for port forwarding evidence at the client level or network level. Let’s see how we can deal with the chisel.

Client-level: Process to Port Mapping

MITRE: Check all the running processes and look for those associated with port forwarding such as Plink, OpenSSH client, chisel, etc.

A simple tasklist command helps to list all the running processes for the windows operating system.

Tasklist Command and Running Processes

As shown in the figure above, the chisel runs with process ID [PID] of 3244.

MITRE: Monitor open ports in the targeted system in both listening and establishing modes

Let’s get the list of all established connections associated with PID 3244 [the chisel]

netstat -ano | findstr ESTABLISHED | findstr 3244

Netstat Command and Established Connection

The result shows the chisel process has established TCP connection to the external IP of over port 8000!

As a blue team, we are certainly looking for the process executable path, wmic helps as follows:

wmic process get executablepath,processid,name | findstr 3244

wmic command to find an executable process path

Network-Level: Analyze network data

Network traffic analysis may not provide us with many details than the client-based analysis, but it can still be considered an option if we don’t have access to the targeted system.

MITRE: Analyze network data for uncommon data flows (e.g., a client sending significantly more data than it receives from a server)

I am using Wireshark and sniffing the virtual network where both windows and Kali Linux are placed.

Let’s check the conversations from the statistics menu:

Targeted Network Conversations

In the IPv4 tab, we can see the communication between, which is my victim windows machine, and, which is my kali box [chisel had established TCP connection to this IP]

Selected Conversation

Applying a simple filter helps to display packets that only associated with this conversation:

Apply Filter to Display Traffic only for Selected Conversation
  • TCP handshake
TCP Handshake

A TCP handshake was observed in which its initiated by and port 49219 to192.168.177.140 port 8000. mmm… looks familiar :)

  • Chisel Footprint

An HTTP GET Request relieves the footprint of the chisel version 3.

Chisel Footprint

Let’s see what we can get by following TCP Stream

Follow TCP Stream

Opsss …..

